zaterdag 1 augustus 2009

Gay news; Portugal, Australia, Maine

The Portuguese high court has upheld the ban on gay marriage.Two lesbian divorced mothers in their 30’s had challenged the government in a bid to wed. The five judges ruled 3-2 against the women.

After Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said he will not change his views on gay marriage, so no equality down under for a while, Aussies take action. In big cities all over the country today there will be National Day of Action for Same-Sex Marriage. Hope things will change soon over there, it should with cities like Sydney and Melbourne.

And Maine anti-gay groups have gathered 100.000 signatures in their petition against gay marriage. Almost double the amount needed to get ‘yes or no on gay marriage’ on the ballot for November elections. Why is it so hard for some people to accept gay citizens as equal?.

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