woensdag 29 juli 2009

gay news

In 15 cities in the U.S. the 15th of august will be kiss-in day. It’s for gay people to be able to express their affection. A great idea, if I am in New York that day I will kiss my sweetie as well outside!!

No “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in Britain where a decorated Iraq veteran who happens to be gay was on the front page of the official British soldier magazine. Soldier James Wharton is the first openly gay man ever to feature on the front of that magazine. Just 10 years ago it was still illegal to be gay in the British Army but they have come a long way since.

Gay cops Steven Ponder and Ivan Sigston became the first couple in the UK to get a child through a related surrogate. The sister of 28- year old Ponder( a mother of three) volunteered to have their baby when they showed the desire to start a family. Sigston donated the sperm but both he and Ponder have to legally adopt little William Cameron Ponder-Sigston. 

Governor Schwarzenegger has dramatically slashed down the aids funding in California. The cuts include : an 80% reduction in funding for Education & Prevention, a 70% cut in HIV Counseling and Testing, a 50% cut for Early Intervention (that provides primary medical care), a 100% cut in Therapeutic Monitoring Program (the program that monitors the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS drugs administered through the state’s AIDS Drug Assistance Program), a 20% cut in Housing and more than a 50% cut in funding for Home and Community-Based Care. A very sad day for people with hiv/aids in California and people caring for them.

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