zaterdag 5 september 2009

Gay news; Johnny Weir; gay marriage saves straight marriage, anti-gay Rome


Openly gay figure skater Johnny Weir, a medal winner at the world championships last year and a big contender to be part of the American team for the Olympics this year had this to say about suggestions to “butch up” men’s figure skating. He thinks it;s a ridiculous idea because he loves the glittery costumes, getting his hair and make-up done and his prettiness. Hard to argue with that!! haha

You constantly hear anti-gay marriage supporters saying that gay marriage destroys their straight marriage. Well, after 5 years of legalized gay marriage in Massachusetts, the state’s divorce rates have plummeted to pre World War 2 numbers. And they have the lowest divorce rate in the country. So basically gay marriage saves opposite marriage!!

Anti-gay violence has increased in Rome a lot in recent months. This week escalating in the throwing of 2 bomb letters in a bar in the gay neighborhood of Rome. Several people were injured and one had to be taken to the hospital. Many people including the mayor of Rome are worried about this trend. One former PM goes as far as to say Rome is not a safe city for gay people anymore. Such a pity of a great city. I have to say that I did not notice anything anti-gay about Rome while I was there with my boyfriend but maybe the climate has changed in a few years.

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