zaterdag 19 september 2009

Gay News; Prejean still thinks it’s all about her; homeless gay youth in NY, do you have gay hair?

What is it with bigots using God’s name to say stupid things and make ridiculous decisions. First there was Arizona Governor Jan Brewer who eliminated state domestic partnerships benefits a year after they were introduced. She says God placed her in the role of Governor and she relies on her faith and prayer to make decisions as a Governor. What about separation of church and state. And then Good Old Carrie Prejean who during a speech to some bigots said that during the Miss USA pageant ‘God had a plan for her’. And ‘God chose her for that moment’ She might have ‘lost the crown but God had a bigger crown for her in heaven.’ Barf, barf. God has more important things to do then care about these two nuts.

Some shocking news  I read yesterday is that there is an epidemic of homeless LGBT youth in New York. Every night gay kids have to hustle for money or a place to sleep. There are 200 beds for homeless LGBT youth to sleep in the country and over 1.000 of them already live in New York. Each year the U.S. has between 575.000 and 1.6 million homeless youth. 20-40% of them identify as LGBT. 26% of youth that comes out gets kicked out of their house and nearly 50% have attempted suicide. That’s truly horrific. There should be more places like the Ali Forney Center in NY.

Apparently hair whorls in men can predict their sexuality!. It seems 4 times as many gay men have their whorl on the back of their head go counter-clockwise as the general public. I have to admit mine does as well!! Then again a while back there was a survey that looked at the ring fingers and the index fingers and said that gays have index fingers that are substantially shorter than their ring fingers. I don’t have that. So what am I, bi??? Ich don’t think so, as Bruno would say.

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